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The Psychology of Money By Morgan Housel (Urdu)

The Psychology of Money By Morgan Housel (Urdu) The Psychology of Money UrduDownload PDF

Your Next Five Moves Patrick Bet David (271 pages)

Your Next Five Moves Patrick Bet David (271 pages) Your_Next_Five_Moves_-_Patrick_Bet-DavidDownload PDF

What They Teach You at Harvard Business School By Philip Delves Broughton

What They Teach You at Harvard Business School By Philip Delves Broughton What_They_Teach_You_at_Harvard_BS_-_Philip_Delves_BroughtonDownload PDF

Turning The Flywheel Jim Collins (48 pages)

Turning The Flywheel Jim Collins (48 pages) Turning_the_Flywheel_-_Jim_CollinsDownload PDF

Thinking Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman (533 pages)

Thinking Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman (533 pages) Thinking_Fast_and_Slow_-_Daniel_KahnemanDownload PDF

Think Again By Adam Grant (324 pages)

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